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When you enter through the front door of Hamptons at The Bay you will feel an immediate sense of calm and serenity. The large comfy lounges in the front lounge room, beckon you. Perfect for settling in to watch one of the many latest release movies we have installed on the TV for your viewing pleasure, free of charge.

The other end of this great room, is a reading nook. The bookcase is fully stocked with plenty of reading material, puzzles and games for your enjoyment.  The generous armchair located beside the generous front windows is the perfect spot or story time or to curl up and read a good book. That is if you can divert your gaze away from the sea and all the birds in the trees across the road.

Also located up this end of the lounge room next to the panoramic front windows, is a dedicated laptop desk with unlimited free WiFi and a docking station for charging your phone.

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